Tip Calculator

Tip Calculator

Tutorial to use our tip calculator:

  1. Enter the Price: In the “Price” field, input the total price of your bill. Make sure to enter a numeric value and ensure it is greater than zero.
  2. Select Tip Percentage: Choose the desired tip percentage from the dropdown menu labeled “Tip Percentage.” The options range from 5% to 50%. Select the appropriate percentage that reflects your satisfaction with the service.
  3. Specify the Number of People: Enter the number of people splitting the bill in the “Number of People” field. It should be an integer greater than zero, representing the number of individuals sharing the total amount.
  4. Calculate Tip: Click the “Calculate Tip” button to determine the tip amount and the total amount to be paid, including the tip.
  5. Review the Results: Once you click the button, the tip amount and total amount will be displayed below the button. The tip amount represents the gratuity based on the selected percentage, while the total amount indicates the overall sum, including the original price and tip.
  6. Repeat for Different Calculations: If you want to perform additional calculations, repeat the process by entering a new price, tip percentage, and the number of people. The calculator will automatically update the results when you click the “Calculate Tip” button.

That’s it! You can now use the tip calculator to quickly determine the tip amount and the total amount to be paid, ensuring a fair and accurate split among multiple people.